Monday, June 28, 2010

July's Give-away (how to enter)

This month the winner picks their prize!!!

July's winner may pick one (1) item from my  
(maximum value $10)

Winner has until 12-31-2010 to decide on which item they want.

July's Give-away (how to enter)

Would you like to win an item from my shop? "Yes", you say.... "Count me in, but what do I have to do", you question?

It's easy as 1,2,3 

"Like" my facebook page, (formerly, become fan)
If you have already done this, skip #1 and continue on to #2

2.) On the top left hand corner of my fan page, under my profile picture, there is a link that says "
suggest to friends" click on that and send to all your friends

3.)Share my facebook fanpage link  { } OR Geri's Journey blog link { } in your Facebook status.

When you have completed the requirements above, please post on the fan page wall or my blog   that you have (1) shared the link and (2) invited your friends to join, and you will be entered into July's Give-away.

****If  you do not post to either my blog or fanpage 
that you have done the above requirements, 
you will not be entered, because I will not know who you are****

July's give away ends on the 31st....  and the winner will be announced here shortly after that. 

Entries names will be put in the entry box as they enter, at the end of the give-away I will have my Grandson Casper pick a winner.

Prize will be mailed after the winner has been contacted, and needed information for mailing has been attained

Good luck everyone!

Chunky peanut butter

The other day my husband looked out the window from his chair and noticed a crow in the recycle bins, and told me to take a look but to move slowly.

I was not able to see the crow from where I was standing in the room, so I slowly worked my way over to the window to try and catch a glimpse.

Well the crow saw me before I saw it, and decided to fly away, but not before grabbing an empty jar of peanut butter. I watched it fly to the house across the street, onto the rooftop to sit on their chimney.
Of course my camera was upstairs, so I ran up to get it, but by the time I made it back down it was gone.

My husband suggested I put some of the chunky peanut butter, I picked up by mistake, out onto the porch to lure him back. I really didn't know what to put it in that wouldn't fall or get swept away by the wind. So I decided to just smear it onto the porch banister. It sat for a few days with only a small bird coming back here and there for a little.

As we were outside watching the fireworks from our local park, my grandson asked me why I had peanut butter on the banister, so I told him and he thought I was nuts or something, no pun intended LOL

Yesterday morning my grandson was watching some squirrels come up and eat it. I did not know this until I mentioned to him that there was just a squirrel on the porch eating it. I showed him the pictures and told him  this is why I put the peanut butter there. He did get to see one again after that, but was so excited that he ran to the front door opened it and scared it away.

As of this morning the peanut butter is all gone, but I did get some not so great pictures of the squirrel yesterday evening and a little video and would like to share.

Oh and if you watch the video, the back ground noise is my air conditioner. As I watched it for the first time, I could not for the life of me figure out what it was, then it hit me ☺☺ Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June's Give-away winner

 The results are in.... a winner has been picked.

I am very happy with the results with the amount of entries this month, they tripled from last month. But, I guess when last months entries were (3), that wasn't to hard to beat. LOL Well, everyone has to start somewhere.

We were watching our grandson today, and while he was here I had him pick June's winner. 

He made sure to shake up the box and was really excited to pick it. So much, that he was having a hard time waiting for me to get pictures of him doing it. 

Waiting not so patiently

Shaking the box

Reaching in 

Got one

 Opening up the winner

Attempting to read the name of the winner 


Close up of the winner picked.... 
......Congratulations Michele Pineda !!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


                         For weeks I have been saying I am going to switch my computer room and my spare bedroom. But I just kept putting it off over and over again.

Finally I got myself in gear started a little here and a little there, and then I went to be with intentions on waking this morning and finally starting to accomplish what I've wanted for a while now.

I am not done by any means but, the big stuff has been moved. The computer, modem, and telephone. The fax machine, printer and extra table to put it on, so I have more room on my desk. Yeah more room to get cluttered up. LOL

 Moved the bed from here to there, but first I had to move the futon and dresser to the other side of the room, and before that I had to shampoo the rug. So all the big stuff is in place, I feel better now.

Funny thing about cleaning, I mean deep cleaning. You find stuff either you forgot you have, or stuff you've been looking for in the recent past.

I found my earrings I have been looking weeks for... ended up falling behind the computer desk. There was no way I would have found them without moving the desk, I barely found them with it moved.

I decided before I even bring the drawers to the computer desk in here that I would clean them out. I have one small drawer, a file drawer and a cabinet with a shelf. The small drawer has not been cleaned in years. I barely even go in it. I think I keep adding things here and there. Well I dumped it all out on the desk, found printer ink I didn't know I had for a printer that is long gone. A thermometer that I didn't even know still existed. Bunch of screws, tacs, other things that belong in a tool drawer.

While moving my futon, I found my stapler that my grandson got his hands on and it disappeared. I found a box with crafts in it, that I didn't remember putting there. This was cool because I was looking for something in particular that was in it. It was just brought up in conversation a week ago, I looked in to other craft boxes and when it wasn't in either of them, I could not for the life of me figure out what happened to it.

My next day off I plan on doing the rest of the little things, wonder what I will find then. I can't wait until its all finished, I will feel so much more organized. ☺