Ok where to start....
I am married to my high-school sweetheart. We married in 1983 and started our family young. I have 3 children.
Krista she has a son named Casper. Kathy my younger daughter has a son named Davey. And Sean my youngest.
So along with having kids young you are lucky enough to have grandchildren young. I just love my grandson's to death. My family is number one in my life. I spend as much time as I can with them.
I have a dog named Bella she is a BorderCollie/Lab mix and a cat named Gandalf the grey.
I love to camp, go for long rides to no where. Surf the net. Watch some tv, no commercials though, I hate them. Some of my favorites tv shows are Grey's Anatomy, Ghost Whisperer, Medium and Lost (sorry to see it end this year) There are others I watch but those I do not miss an episode. I Love watching movies. I like to take pictures of the family an of nature. I listen to all sorts of music. Upbeat dance type music puts me in a good mood.
I spend most of my spare time on the computer, chatting with family,
working on my website, playing pogo, playing games on Facebook, researching things, getting sidetracked. (lol)
I used to do in home lingerie parties and although they were fun, it was costing me money rather then making it. I tried Ebay as well, but once again, not making much of a profit. If it's not sold I still had to pay for fees and I didn't want to pass that on to the consumer.
My sister in law told me about a company that distributes lingerie and with help from my kids and researching, I taught myself html. So I decided to start my own website. It is run solely by me with help from my wonderful family.
Right now I do it for extra money but someday I hope to be able to use this is a full time business, rather then a small time hobby.
I am also a crafter. I have been doing plastic canvas and other various crafts for many years.
My kids have been after me for a long time to sell my crafts rather then just give them as presents to everyone in the family. So with their support I have just started working putting my crafts up for sale. I started my craft shop "Homespun Crafting" on Esty.com. So far I have made 6 sales and am very excited about it.
I am currently in the process of trying the win the ever loosing battle of weight loss. More like I am trying really hard to change my eating habits once again. I say once again because a few years back I lost 35lbs. it took a year to do and not that long to put it back on. I have gained most of it back and am not happy with myself. So I am back in the mind set to do something about it.
So follow me along in my Journey, while I talk about my family, or some cute stories or post pictures, how I reach my goal to loose weight, my progress with my online hobbies, or who knows what else is to follow.
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