Well, its easy as 1, 2, 3.
1.) "Like" my page, (formerly, become fan)
If you have already done this, skip rule #1 and continue on to rule #2
2.) On the top right hand corner of my fan page, under my profile picture, there is a link that says "suggest to friends" click on that and send to all your friends, then post my fan page or blog to your profile.
3.) Go check out my Esty store "Homespun Crafting" take a look around, and *post on my fanpage or blog what your favorite item is and that you have done all three mentioned rules and you will be entered.
By telling me your favorite item, I will take the information into consideration and use it for an upcoming giveaway
*If you do not let me know you did all 3, then I will not be able to enter you into the giveaway because I will not have your name.
May's giveaway is for a Nintendo Controller Ds lite case/ Jewelry box/ Catch all.
The prize will be made after the winner is announced, I am leaving the color of the case up to the winner.
May's give away will end on the 25th of May and the winner will be announced here between May 26-30th.
Prize will be mailed within 10 days after the winner has decided the color he/she would like.
Good luck everyone!